In March of 1999, David returned from his triumphant
concert tour at Sweet Basil's in Japan.
This review of the concert, and the following pictures were given to us by Kirk White, who runs
the British Monkees fan club and website, called
Here are his words of introduction for the Japanese
lady whose words will make you smile and thrill with
her as she tells you about his wonderful performance,
and the love that greeted him at Sweet Basil's!
"Hanako Ozaki, who did the review of David's Japan visit, used to run a fanzine, "Feel So Good" in Japan.
We met in 1993, when I brought David over from America to play a gig for Band 6. She and five others flew from Japan for the show, "An evening With David Jones". It was held in a hotel ballroom, in Torquay in Devon, England.
We have stayed in touch ever since. She also tells me that one of the shows MAY be broadcast on Japanese TV during April....Let's hope so!"
David and Hanako
19 March 1999
Compiled by: Hanako Ozaki
We had the exclusive, and the excited days during the week of early March 1999 here, in Japan. We welcomed DAVY JONES on 9th March, for his stage performance for a week at "SWEET BASIL 139", located in Roppongi, where could be said as the most famous town for excited night time with many bars, discos, pubs, boutiques, and more in Japan.
The "SWEET BASIL 139" is the newest live music performance stage there, and serves the delicious menus and cocktails. They served the different types of special cocktail menus for the week, and these were named "Daydream Believer cocktail" and "Entertainer Davy cocktail". They were good taste, of course. Then I had them too much without concerning the quality of spirits was quite HIGH!
Originally Davy was scheduled to arrive Tokyo International Airport on 8th March, one day prior to his first stage. However due to some discrepancy between air flight schedule and Davy, he arrived here in the afternoon of 9th March. Tt was the exact day of his FIRST stage at night. We wondered seriously that he would be gonna do the stage tonight? But our anxiety had gone away quickly at once we watched his performance. His voice was so clear and sharp. The dance was really enthusiastic as much tough as we could not follow to dance with him. He was so enthusiastic. Everything of his performance on the stage was brilliant.
David's part says: The lead vocalist of the Monkees, Davy Jones is coming to this stage with his hot energy.
"Daydream Believer", "Last Train to Clarksville", "Valleri", "Words", "I Wanna Be Free" etc. The Monkees ever lasting hit songs by Davy Jones. Great and fantastic night here with us.
Davy had performed in total of 10 stages during the week. First day of 9th Mar. (Tue) and the last day of 14th March (Sun) were scheduled one stage started from 7:30pm each night, and the rest was two stages each night. First stage was from 7:00pm and second one was from 9:30pm. The door was opened every night roughly 2 hours prior to the show time.
Inside the venue, the floor was occupied with the lots of tables and seats. Along the window, the counter bars with seats were arranged, and upon the counter bars, there also had the balcony seats with counter bars.
Dave Alexander and Fan
The supporting band was organized by the 4 men and 1 lady with familiar faces. Music Director, Mr. Jerry Renino, was the bass player. Wayne Avers was the guitarist. Dave Alexander was the keyboard player. Aviva played different materials; ex. flute, saxophone, piano(organ?), and chorus, too. I found one new face in the band, Sandy Gennero who played the drum. Jerry, Wayne, and Dave came to Japan 4 years ago for Davy's other stage performance at BLUENOTE in Osaka and Fukuoka.
Dave said to me that he remembered my comment to his images in the 4-years-ago-my report mentioned "Dave was BIG, but CUTE". Jerry was cherished by many girls who watched the stages, and Dave charmed other girls. Aviva offered her solo CD at the entrance along some merchandise of Davy. Davy brought some merchandises there; for example 8x10 black and white photo with his autograph, T-shirts, the CD titled "DON'T DO IT", and else. Beside the items, we also found the VHS video of "HEAD" which was released in Japan 2 years ago with Japanese dialogue, and the CD of "Greatest His" of The Monkees released in Japan in 1996. The audience could get Davy's autograph on their purchase by the courtesy of the staffs there.

Jerry and Aviva
Some famous person appeared to the shows. We found Mr.Shiga who was the main M.C. of TV program titled "Ohayo-Studio", which was the most common TV program during the phenomenon of Monkees revival in early 1980's here. We also found Ms.Reiko Yukawa, who wrote the lyric of the song "Dance Gypsy", released particularly here at the exact middle of the Monkees phenomenon in the Summer of 1981. Davy seemed to be fond of singing the song quite often at stages. That could be said that he would had sung it much more than "It's now" there.
Sandy and Fan
The song of "It's now" was the first original song by any Monkees members during the phenomenon. Both the lyric and music were completed by Davy and released here in the spring of 1981. Both songs had made the good scores of Japanese hit charts that time.
Beside such audience, I found that many middle age audience who could seemed the original generation fans of the Monkees there. The venue was located in the middle of Tokyo. Many office workers came there wearing the typical office wears. In my point of view, the number of middle age male audience could be more than the female audience of same generation. That's really interesting for me, because, as you would know, Davy had been loved by Japanese ladies over the longer years so much. But that could be said that Davy would have been favored by them over the years.
Every stage had been done through 1 hour and longer. Along with the regular Davy Jones' opening music by the band, then he came to the stage. Davy always wore the black middle length jacket and black pants with dark color shirts. He did not change his costume during the show time, however he did have change it once at final show.
He had gone away from the stage but the music was continued. After the little longer instrument play, he came to the stage with white jacket and pants wearing the gorgeous sun glasses and wig. Davy declared himself as "Elvis Presly with the style!" Later he put the glasses and wig away at the next song, but sooner he had again put them on himself. But, these were put with opposite side! Was it accidentally, or on purpose?
Every stage had started exactly in schedule accordingly. When the time came, we could notice that black blind hung down beside the windows, and the big screen on the stage was rolled up to the roof there.
The band appeared to the stage, and Dave Alexander spoke out.
"Welcome to the show tonight." He announced "Davy Jones here tonight", and the music had finally started. Illumination was gradually changed with the spot lights which lighted the curtain behind them up, then Davy appeared in front of us! The big sound of claps, cheering and more! Everything there was ready to the stage by Davy the night.
Davy played about 15 songs each stage, and music lists were changed a little bit daily. The stages was organized with three steps. "A little bit me, a little bit you", "Valleri", " She hangs out", and "Look out". These Monkees songs with lead vocal by Davy were used for the opening. Then he often commented that he would like to introduce to the audience the fresh songs with the band.
For example, "Slap Me" was their favorite tune, and found from the radio while they were touring all over U.S.A, Davy said. Another new song for me was "If All Else Fails", which was a kind of slow and moody song with his powerful and strong voice. Its type of the music would be best tune of Davy's pride.  "Let Me Entertain You", and "As Long As You Belong", were the really good feeling songs. Even we did not know these titles before. Davy gave us the impression as if we had known them for a long time ago. The feeling made us the sincere, comfortable images.
Also he introduced us to "It's Not Too Late", from the album of "JUSTUS". It was the only song from "JUSTUS", and would be the first time for the most of audience there to listen to it. "JUSTUS" has not been released in Japan yet, but I was definitely sure everyone there would love it.

Wayne Avers and Fan
I think the one of Japanese favorite Monkees song by Davy is "I Wanna Be Free". The song has been loved over 30 years by the girls and ladies. When he sang it, people kept the silence staring Davy. Not only female audience, but also middle aged male audience there. How lovely silence and view. Many ladies gave him the gorgeous bouquets during the song. Davy would receive them every show, I guess.
As soon as he finished singing "I wanna be free", he introduced the next song to us. He said, "The next song is the 1999 version of, 'I wanna be free'". That was, "I'll Love You Forever". He also announced to us that one of his daughters, Sarah Lee Jones, would be married in August this year. He performed the song with playing the guitar. It was the white one, surely the performance gave another fresh impression to the audience there.
As you know, Davy usually sings the Monkees songs with lead vocal by Micky Dolenz. But the songs of the lead vocal by Micky he sang for this time were only, "I'm a Believer", and "Steppin' Stone". These songs were arranged to the medley relay, and used for the last part of the stages. So the excitement of ours was so great, once Davy reacted to us, and came down to OUR seats singing "Steppin' Stone"! Davy put his microphone in the middle of our circle beside our table. We shouted and shouted! Of course, Davy did together, too! Great excitement, indeed!
However, he did not sing, "Theme of The Monkees", or "Last Train To Clarksville". These were really famous of the Monkees songs among fans. On the other hand, he chose, "Papa Gene's Blues", and "What Am I Doing Hangin' Round?" to perform there. He played one of them each night. He astonished us very much, because the selection was not the expected by us. It's really happy for us to listen to them.
He did once play "Rainy Jane" on the stage, and "It's Nice To Be With You" was played sometimes. These songs were used at the middle part of the shows.
When we found the prelude of "Daydream Believer", our emotion and excitement got to be higher and higher. People have been loving "Daydream Believer" over the years. I could say it'd be the best and favorite Monkees tune here in the music history. The music always makes me happier anytime, anywhere. Every face was showing the happiness. The venue was also wrapped by the happiness by everyone there. Suddenly Davy spoke out, "You know the words, you can sing the song for us!"
Davy aimed his microphone to us, and any instrument play had stopped. Our chorus with Davy was the only sound there. Yes, that's OUR Song! The words of "Cheer up sleepy Jean, Oh what can it mean," was echoed between the people, seats, all over the venue. It was so wonderful! The instrument returned to play and Davy also returned to his position on the stage. "Daydream Believer" had been played longer and longer for a while.
Then "Daydream Believer' was finished playing. The band escorted us the encore time with their music. The dance time finally got to be ready. "No time", and "Hippy Hippy Shake" were the songs that time. Audience had left their own seats, ran and approached to the stage. People were dancing, clapping hands, stepping the feet, screaming up, more and more there. Nobody could stop our sensation and excitement, and staffs of the venue were also dancing together! More Davy had shown us the energy, audience there got more excitement! We had danced and danced so much, but who the toughest man there was DAVY! Because he had never stopped singing and dancing during the whole show time!
Time to the end of the show came. We were so fresh and happy. We tried to shake hands with Davy and he did with many fans. Some of fans there could kiss on his cheek. Good! Of course many fans presented him the gifts, bouquets and else there. He had lost the view of the way to return the back stage carrying the huge number of these presents, because his face was covered by them. Davy said "People gave me many, many presents and clothes. I need not to buy anymore, Japanese size really suits me. The number of clothes I received was too enough even for my spare clothing!" But we know he was really glad to them, and we know he would know that we were also so glad to give them with him!
Davy had left the stage, and band had finished playing. The stage was over there. But we believe in that Davy return here again sooner. We always welcome you, Davy. We also found sharing time to watch his performance was our precious association between fans, band members and Davy.

From the Davy Jones Collection--No Duplication please!
We sincerely appreciate Davy to give us the opportunity for gathering and sharing the unforgettable moment. And we know, what the best and most important was Davy's energy, enthusiastic, powerful and big love to fans. Thank you very much for you coming here this time! And hope to see you again soon!
We always love you!
It's wonderful to know that our David is loved all over the world! But it's even more wonderful
that we have him here in America! We are the lucky ones! 
For the time being, you have come to the end of our tour, except for the links and guestbook. We would
really love to hear your thoughts and comments in
the guestbook!